Thursday, January 13, 2011

Fabric Fabulous Fabric

Only a fellow fabric lover could possibly appreciate this post.

Imagine. if you will, your favorite hobby. You are obsessed with every aspect of this "thing".
Now imagine you are given 2 gigantic bags of __________ to use however you want.
Right now, Jessica loves fabric and anything to do with her newly found creative gene.
I happen to have ALOT of fabric. I don't feel as guilty about my stash when it can be shared.
Allen Patrick thought he was past piles of fabric and straight pins everywhere. Not so. I
have joke with him before about me training him for Jessica. Here is another case in point.
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1 comment:

  1. I had a BLAST tonight!! :) Thanks so much for nurturing the creativity in me and being such a source of inspiration. . . Can't wait to make our first Eve Amelie dress!! xoxo
