Monday, January 24, 2011

Bag Lady

I'm not sure why I think I have to take 4 bags to work. There is no way I would have time to look through all this. I just feel so much more in control when I have all my stuff with me. For instance. In the black polka-dot bag I have my camera, a smaller bag with a toothbrush and toothpaste, etc., Bible and My Utmost for His Highest, planner, notebook, pens, pencils, highlighters, My Purse (with all it's contents), glasses case, phone case and keys. The other 3 bags are for things I might possibly need throughout the day. Most of the time I don't, but you never know. Is this some kind of issue I have? Does anyone else do this? Do I need professional help?
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  1. You might be a hoarder IF. . . ;) LOL! Totally kidding. . . You're definitely prepared for anything! PS: Did you stock pile things prior to Y2K?

  2. I personally can relate to this! If I'm in the car for longer than 15 minutes I have to have a bag of "stuff" to keep me busy. I like to think of our "little problem" as being really prepared for anything that might arise! haha

  3. I think you've been Moms WAY TOO LONG!! ;)
